3 bed House - Terraced Sold Subject to Contract
NO ONWARD CHAIN - CHEQUERS are pleased to offer this three bedroom mid terraced home, set on the outskirts of Popley. The property offers well balanced accommodation including cloakroom, lounge, separate dining room, three bedrooms and a family bathroom. Further benefits include double glazing, gas radiator heating, front and rear gardens. (draft particulars - awaiting vendors approval).
or call: 01256 810018
Stairs to first floor.
Low level w.c., wash hand basin, storage cupboard, double glazed window.
Front aspect, double glazed window, radiator.
Front aspect, double glazed window, range of eye and base level units, fitted oven and hob with extractor over, inset single drainer sink unit, appliance space, storage recess, wall mounted boiler, spotlights, access to -
Rear aspect, double glazed French doors to garden, under stairs cupboard, radiator.
Access to loft space, airing cupboard, storage cupboard.
Double aspect, double glazed windows, built-in double wardrobe, radiator.
Rear aspect, double glazed window, radiator, built-in cupboard.
Front aspect, double glazed window, radiator, storage cupboard.
Double glazed window, panel enclosed bath with mixer tap, low level w.c., wash hand basin, radiator.
To the front of the property is a lawned garden with gate and pathway to front door. To the rear of the property the garden enjoys a private aspect, patio leading to lawned area, rear gate access, garden shed. Communal parking nearby.
Band C
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